Indonesian & Asian Food Store
47 in stock
Racik Bumbu Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice) – 20 grams
Note: This item has it’s expiration date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy (please see a sample on the 2nd picture)
Racik Bumbu Tempe & Tahu Goreng 20 grams Note: This item has it’s expiration date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy (please see a sample on the 2nd picture)
Racik Bumbu Sayur Asem (Tamarind Soup) – 33 grams Note: This item has it’s expiration date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy (please see a sample on the 2nd picture)
Racik Bumbu Tumis (Stir Fry) – 22 grams Note: This item has it’s expiration date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy (please see a sample on the 2nd picture)
Racik Bumbu Ayam Goreng (Fried Chicken) – 26 grams Note: This item has it’s expiration date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy (please see a sample on the 2nd picture)